Iron is an essential mineral found in every cell of our body and 70% of iron is found in our red blood cells. Our body needs iron for the formation of haemoglobin which is the primary transporter of oxygen from our lungs to our body tissue. This is why when we are deficient in iron we feel fatigue as our organs struggles to receive the oxygen required to function optimally.
25% of the bodies iron is stored as ferritin which is present in our cells. Men can store up to 3years worth of iron, but woman can only store 1years supply hence anaemia being more common in woman. Doctors can order a ferritin blood test to check for anaemia, or to check if there is too much iron in the blood.
Iron is usually more beneficial when taken on taken on an empty stomach which can lead to stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. Which is why FSC Supplements “Gentle Iron” is formulated to be gentle on the stomach, but still delivers the benefits of the iron. It contains 20mg - which is an adequate amount for preventing anaemia.
Another important point to remember when trying to increase iron absorption from food or supplement is vitamin C. Vitamin C plays an important role in synthesising other vitamins and minerals, in particular iron. Vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron from the foods we eat, which can help prevent iron deficiency anaemia.
  • Always check with your doctor before introducing any new supplements. High doses of iron can be toxic especially in children. Keep out of reach of children!