'The only workout you regret, is the one you didn't do'

Any bit of exercise we do, no matter how short or easy it feels is better than not doing anything at all. You will still be taking a step forward towards your goal with each workout you do.

And don't worry about it not being in the gym either. Try going for a walk or playing a sport with some friends…it doesn't have to be in the gym to count. If your getting your body moving more than your usual day to day activity, raising your heart rate - you are working out!

Yes you can have days where you feel disappointed that you didn’t work as hard as you could have, but remember it's ALWAYS better than not doing anything at all. This is something I have had to remind myself of often lately, when my workouts are cut short because my baby wants my attention. Getting my body moving for as little as 20mins a day is a lot better than me not even trying, and I definitely never regret it!